Friday, December 16, 2011
Trip To The City
It was the 1st of December. I woke up at 8 am, with a feeling that something was wrong. I looked under my duvet; I was frightened of the sight of a penguin laying between my legs. I was confused. What was I supposed to do? My mom wasn’t home; it was the first time I was home alone. Everything went wrong that morning. I called my good friend Mona Lisa. I asked her what to do. She said that I should look in my Bible, and there I would find the answer. The Bible said: stop and watch out for playing children. I was scared. I took my Maybelline lipstick and ate it. I looked back at the penguin, it seemed to be scared and hungry. I gave him 2 carrots and 1 mars bar and some Tulip liver paté from the fridge. He wouldn’t eat. I hide the penguin in the toilet so he wouldn’t run away from me. I gave it my Ak47 in case my dad should come home from Sunset. I ran out the door with my black bird under my arm. I took a sharp turn, and suddenly I meet my pigeon-friend. I said to him: “Hey Sofus, did you get a haircut?”. “Yes don’t you think I look gorgeous?” “Oh well, that is very beautiful”. Then I stopped and looked around. I didn’t have time to talk. I was still looking for my mom. Maybe she was on Mars? I didn’t have a clue. I ran back to my house, to see if the penguin was alright. On my way, I saw John F. Kennedy with a cucumber in his mouth, and then I got more confused. When I came back, I looked in the toilet, and the penguin was gone.
Awesome trip to Thailand!
Historie med vores ord!
We were two guys travelling. We were going to Thailand. We've packed our hand luggage, and on our way to board the plane. In our luggage we had some cucumber, so that when we had to eat chili in Thailand, we would have something to take the heat. We also had some tomatoes with us, but that was because we were expecting to make some sandwiches when we arrive.
On the plane they showed some commercials, with some signs. Some of them were from Thailand, and my friend who is half Thai could read them. They said KFC and Burger king. So that's where we realised what we were going to eat the next month. 'We were loving it' even though there was no McDonald signs.
The best time of the day in Thailand is the morning. It's the most beautiful time of the day, because it's here the sunrise is. Also in the end of the day, there is a lot of people on the street, and it's hard to go anywhere without bouncing into people.
On the way around Thailand I read some facts about the country, but my friend read a book called 'the alphabet house'. But as we were driving around, we heard in the radio that Mona Lisa from france were stolen, and because my friend likes art very much, he was kinda sad.
He said that he was going to shoot the robbers, like Kennedy was shot, but not with a sniper. He was going to use an M4A1, which is the primary weapon of the American army.
The only thing we could find close to a weapon was sadly LCD tv, cables and a computer.
The trip was very good, but sadly, he did not catch the robbers.
Anne, Ditte Nanna
Around the world in 80 days 2!!!!
Around the world in 80 days 2
We’ve just finished reading the book: Around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne, and let me tell it was awesome.. What a book. But what happens next is that, we get the idea to pursue their wager, and travel the world in 80 days ourselves. But to make things a bit more interesting, we’re doing it in a canoe.
It was an afternoon as cold as the surface of mercury at nighttime. The sun stood brightly on the sky, and waves were still. In the horizon a large building rose over the glancing rooftops, where an eagle circulated around. It was the head quarter of Rimmel London, what a sight. We were all packed and ready to go, with our canoe filled to the brim with Heinz Ketchup, Arla milk, tomatoes, cucumber and fried chicken. Yesterday we had prepared the canoe by nailing iron plates with a hammer onto the sides, so that we would be able to withstand a clash with even a desert eagle. A couple walked on the waterfront near us. The man looked like Kennedy and the woman looked like Mona Lisa, and they were staring at our companion, a duck. “Excuse me” they asked. “Why are you packing up a canoe, haven’t you read the sign” and she pointed the slippery underlay sign. And we saw to our fright that the water was frozen, which meant that we weren’t able to complete our journey. Sad, washed up and disappointed we returned to Langholt, where we encountered playing children and overheard a conversation by our parents, wherein they talked about given us a car, so that we would be able to continue our journey. So all in all, it was a really good day…. To be continued.
Stop Hammertime
c Donald, the newest Smith & Wesson creation with the sound of a mocking bird and killed Taco Belly. We looked at our clock to see the time. But our clocks were stopped. It was ‘’STOP hammertime!’’

Travel Writing - Going to Congo with Mogens Glistrup!
So we had to go hunting before supper (which incidentally happened to be Mogens' last!). We packed our hunting gear to go searching for something eatable. We had been told by our guide Mahribmi, that they had several different species of birds including: eagles, ostriches and penguins. We decided to go for an ostrich, because we knew that Mogens liked a well cooked egg.
Sooooooo after 7 hours of intense hunting, we finally found our target. An elderly, lonely ostrich which would be a perfect kill. So, we killed it. With our brand new Remington R700 rifle!
Back at camp Mogens Glistrup had arrived, and was busy keeping the muhammaddanere in their caves. So we said: "Hey Mogens! Why don't you chop some carrots, eh?" - "Tjaaa, det kan da godt være" he answered. When dinner finally was ready, we had made an enormous omelette out of the egg. Unfortunately, Mogens choked in a eggshell. All honour to his name (and deeds!).
^^ - The last thing he did, before he passed away: Complementing our delicious omelette!
Andreas & Anders
Creative Writing
”Mom please, mom, come on wake up!” but I knew that she would never wake up again. As I remembered how I stood outside the hospital - remembering her crying, a poor girl at seven years old. Her mother was my patient. The last two weeks her cancer had become better. I promised her daughter that she could come home, that I would cure her, so that she this Christmas night could come home and they could celebrate it together. I’m a doctor at the ”eastside hospital” in the poorest part of London. I’m thirty-two years old, I moved here from Italy, when I was twelve. Tonight it’s Christmas eve, my mom and dad died when I was fourteen - so this night means absolute nothing to me! I have no family to visit - so I decided to work tonight, so that the other doctors with families to celebrate this eve with – could get off early. It’s odd, now after leaving I felt bad, an empty feeling. I have been leaving the young poor girl alone sitting in the hospital crying and waiting for someone to take care of her. I was alone all the Christmas nights after my mom and dad leaved me, and since that I have learnt to be alone. She can learn that too. On the way home I went down to the nearest shop, all the way down there I told my self to go come. No one wanted to celebrate Christmas with me, not even to poor girl. I brought a back of candy, Christmas socks and a little raindeer toy. I had never brought a present to any one before. I had brought my first present, and wanted to give it the little girl. So I went back at work, upstairs to the children’s floor. There she was, all alone in the playroom - sleeping at a pink blanket. I opened the door, lay the presents next to her, she didn’t woke up. I looked at her. The blond hair was beautifully put in a plaiting with a red hair bow. She was dirty, and didn’t smell very well. My eyes started to sting. Tears came out, I sat down, hided my head in my hands. A lonely feeling. Suddenly I felt to little hands on mine. “Don’t cry, I’m not dead. I know you would come back. You are my Christmas present from Santa. Please take me home now, I’m so tried”. I will never forget that Christmas eve. Every year when she falls to sleep, I remembered that night. Remembered that Christmas is that time of year were you have to help others – and I’m happy I did!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Random writing
Christmas is a time share, a time to care.
Oh it’s such a cheerful season, so I can’t see the reason,
Why people can’t get along, in a jolly Christmas song.
Random writing from the word Illustrious, taken from another text that i've wrote earlier.
The city was an illustrious sight. The industrial breakthrough had really left its mark, and everywhere factories and big houses arose. People began benefitting from the rising wealth and the start of a capitalistic era had begun. But it came with a price. In phase with that some people were getting richer and richer, the social indifferences arose. People got richer on others’ behalf. The city’s wealth was in the hands of a few people, who had utterly control over the proletariat, who had to work their asses of to please the riches’ needs. People lived in poverty. While the rich tumbled in money and luxury, the poor people had to work 16 hours, just barely to get the money to afford their daily needs.
100 years later. People were starving more than ever. The capitalistic rule was dominant more than ever. People began uniting in small organizations, wherein they began mobilizing and organizing. In just a few months the organizations had expanded rapidly, and when the time was up the essence, they stroke. REVOLUTION!
The black snake
Too late..
Raymond arrived in Allberg at and he was tired. Very tired. The only thing he needed to find was the medicine. This medicine could cure his daughters leukemic. But it was late and Raymond had to sleep. The next day he woke up early, took his bag, paid the bartender and left. He walked around in the town asking people about their knowledge relating to the important medicine which could cure his daughter.
After some time he met an old man. He was small, grey and wise. He asked Raymond what he was seeking. Raymond told the man what his problem was, and the old man looked at him with his tired eyes and said: “I know what you’re seeking. But Raymond, you have to understand that the thing you seek is very special. But I can help you. Tell me, what do I get out of it?”
Raymond answered: “anything you want. Just name a prize”
“Okay. I have a prize.” The old man said.
Raymond said with shining eyes: “Tell me what I have to do, and I’ll do it”.
“Can you see the hill over there? On top of the hill there is a small wooden house. Inside the house there is an old lady. Deliver this letter, and I shall grant you your cure." The old man said.
So Raymond delivered the letter, and was rewarded with the cure. He hurried back to his daughter.
Unfortunately he was too late.
Creative writing
Who would ever take a duel against a rhino, like good luck killing yourself dumbass, and still there are some poachers who kills these wonderful animals, just to take their horn, like what the hell, you could just shave your head and press it together. It is almost the same thing. Go to hell poachers, I hope a rhino will shove its horn up your a** so you can see how it feels to be fucked over by nature. Back to the subject, the rhinos live like on that continent Afrika, where a lot of cool animals live, but none of them as cool as the rhino, come on, it is like a tank, thick panzer with a horn that can destroy like everything. It’s crazy how awesome these animals are. creationism at its best, even though I’m not a religious dude, evolution cannot have made something as epic as a rhino, I bet the rhinos would even kill them dinosaurs, with their destructive power.
Now that i think about it rhinos are pretty damn cool
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Crazy.. Thing
Go f*** yourself she yelled!
There were tears and chairs all over the place. The picture of her and me with cracked glass.
How the… How could you!? A face full of expressions and a face full of nothing.
Nothing… Nothing, a whole lot of nothing. Just like the feelings that are left in this.
BANG! Another pan… BANG! Another feeling left the heart. BANG!
It kept on going, like the shoots in a pistol. Bang! Bang! Bang! And … BANG! There was something different in this last one...
Something just… Something, now no longer nothing.
A face full of tears and a face full of nothing with something.
I would sit down and tell her how I could. But I couldn’t sit anywhere; she had broken all the chairs.
And there was blood on the sofa, because she had cut herself on some glass, but I didn’t want to get blood on my pants.
Actually her face was cute right now the blood on her face and eyes blue-green. Now I remembered why I kissed her yesterday, and why she is so mad. Because she looked like her sister.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Decisions makes everyone!
Your decisions through life, creates you. They could be either hard or easy to make, but in the end, they are essential for your identity. I would like to have the power, so I could take decisions for everyone. But I guess that kind of power, is reserved for the President of the United States of America. Power makes decisions. Pressure makes decisions. Decisions now, affects you later on. Especially in these years, we must make more decisions than ever - or so, according to Giddens. But I'm quite given, that a man who has dedicated his life to understand how human reacts. He made a decision to dedicate his life, and now we uses his work in our education. That is very fascinating, and I wish that I can make such an impact on the world once. It might be difficult here in Denmark because of our: "Who-do-you-think-you-are" attitude. It is so embedded in us, that I don't think that anything, or anyone could change it. Maybe, if I want to succeed with something that I have a passion for, this is not the country to be in. But then again, the North European culture is also embedded in us, and that is not easy to leave behind. But I guess that if I wanted to make something, that people will look back at it and think: "Hey, that guy has it going!". It is an decision to make, whether or not that I should move. But the decision would also make me as a human. That would create me, and not anybody else. Decisions creates peoples' identities, with an either positive or negative outcome. And that is one of the most beautiful things in the world, the freedom to create yourself. And maybe also a humanright.
I am who I am where?
These questions are very common these days, maybe not the, I am where because I hope the majority know where they are. The question I am who is very common today amongst young people. Life is the hardest thing to do right, because many times right can be wrong and the other way around, it’s a task we must do on our own, some people help us in the search of ourselves some can provide you guidance in life. No one can tell you when you reach goal or you even reach the goal, but in the end you decide when and how you will find the real you.
Made by Steffen.
Drugs did this
Creative writing

It struck me that i need air
It struck me that im born with hair
It struck me that i was sitting on a chair
It struck me that life is not always fair
It strikes me that i must go to school
It strikes me that i can swim in a pool
It strikes me that much clothes is made of wool
It strikes me that the winther always feels so cool
It is going to strike me when i have an epiphany
It is going to strike me when i figure out i am not divinity
It is going to strike me when i see life is not infinity
It is going to strike me when i feel i am not vincinity
It all strikes down like a lightning.