Thursday, January 19, 2012

scary shit right here

The door slammed behind her, as she ran for her life. ''everyone knows what you are'' she thought. she heard a screaming voice ''You better run, you little bitch!'' the sound of the voice was screeching, shattering her mind, like a lightning bolt shatters the dark sky. She ran through another door, slammed it behind her. The voice was gone... Now she could only hear the sound of her hammering heart.

she remembered how it felt, when she saw the first murder. The gaze of the dying body, as the murder tore through the body with a screwdriver. She heard a twig snap under her foot, as she tried to get a better look. She closed her eyes, and held her breath, whishing for the murderer not to find her. As she opened her eyes again, she stood above the dying body of a young girl, it was Tracey from biology class. Tracey looked at her with fear in her eyes, blood running out of her mouth. She cried with fear as Tracey's body turned colder and colder. She lost her mind, as she saw the life fade out of Tracey's eyes.

She heard the door slam open, the voice screaming at her once again. It was different this time, the voice was seductive almost pulling her cold and tired body through the room. The room looked familiar, she knew she had been there before. Her blood-covered clothes was heavy, her mind was blurred. As the seductive voice drew her into the bedroom. As she walked towards the door, the room behind her started to shatter, the walls splintered, and leaving everything in the darkness of her mind. as she had walked through the door, she could remember where she was. It was her bedroom. her boyfriend was lying in her bed. She ran towards him, crying for comfort, but it stopped as she saw the bloodstains on the sheet. she started to cry, hugging the lifeless body. The screeching voice now again screaming ''see what you did''
It all came back to her, she had seen them together.
''They deserved it, both of them'' she said while getting intoxicated by her wicked laugh.

Made by Casper Stoltze, Jakob Koch and Rasmus K Wann

1 comment:

  1. Really freaky story, guys ;-)
    A very descriptive tale, with a lot of food for one's twisted imagination. A very nice touch as to the ending - surprising turn of events that made one read through the story once again to see it coming....but I didn't. So goooood.....


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