Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Virtuel af Casper Froberg og Jakob

1) 1) In this part of the text, Ralph still function as the leader of the group. He has Piggy as his ‘to do’ man. Piggy does all the work really. Collecting names, look for the others. This is while Ralph is blowing the conch. They basically have the same roles, but when the others come, Ralph is a bit threatened by Jack. Jack is also the leader type, and the leader of the choir. But at last they settle it, and Ralph is the leader, but Jack is in power as well. Jack is afraid, and nervous about losing his power, but Ralph keeps him in charge of the choir, so that he will still feel like having power.

2) They need this voting, because the kids need some kind of leader. Naturally, the kids who came because they heard the conch will see Ralph as a front figure. This is because he is the one that summoned them.

About the choir. They are loyal to Jack, as he is their leader, and he probably decided that they would go after the sound of the conch. So therefore they vote on him. Eventually Ralph wins with most of the votes, since the choir is less people. This means that Ralph has the power, and already now, especially the kids at young age, will see Ralph as the leader. He keeps Jack in charge of the choir, so he will not lose all his power. This will maybe be useful to Ralph later on. The conch plays a big role, since it is one of the reasons that Ralph wins. He has the power to call the people to him. It is like the kings scepter.

3) 2) In the first movie clip, which is the start of the film, we see the boys together already. The book starts a bit different. We don’t get to see Ralph and Piggy walking around. And we don’t get to see them finding the conch.

3) In the second clip we see piggy finding the conch, but this is after they all met. But this gets them together, where they can talk, and discuss what they are going to do. Here is also a semi election, where the most yell for Ralph to be leader. It tells the story a bit different.

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