Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
My summer holiday

My summer holiday
My summer holiday started with a two week vacation to Mallorca in Spain. The first week of the vacation I spend with my parents, my older and younger brother, my uncle, aunt, their children and finally my grandparents. It was a week with a lot of fun, eating and drinking. In the second week a part of the family went home and I spend the week with my parents and younger brother. The second week was a bit boring, but I have to commit that it was more relaxing. The days we spend laying at the pool or the beach and in the evening I went to the gym for some exercising. After two weeks in the baking sun I went home to Denmark where another “adventure” was waiting.
For three days I went on a canoeing trip at “Gudenåen” with a couple of friends. The trip included a lot of drinking, rowing and plenty of very funny experiences. I got myself a big blue eye, when I banged my head into Kasper in a “beer-baton”.
In the last weeks of my summer holiday, I worked and relaxed with my friends and family.
My summer holiday by Martin Winther

Usually I spend my holiday sleeping, eating and… I am just going to exclude the last thing to maintain a decent amount of formality, but this holiday was just about the opposite. If I were not working at the local grocery store, I would be out acting stupidly with my mates, and barely having the time to sleep.
After finishing the exams, which went horrible, I had a couple of days to pass before the first major event of the holiday, a week at Youth Camp in Øster Hurup. Youth Camp is a recent developed concept for people who are in the age of 16-24. At Youth Camp there were various events during daytime, drinking games and such, and at evening, the party continued at the camp or at a night club in Øster Hurup.
I barely managed to get my cloth washed, before i was heading on, onto a new adventure, this time a little more sober one, with my family. We rented an Auto camper in Germany, and spent the next 3 weeks travelling, Switzerland, France, Monaco, Italy and Ostrich, which had both positives and negatives, because we got to see the major attractions, but we had to spend a lot of time in the car.
The day before we got home, called Jeppe and told me he was planning a canoe trip, I accepted his offer excitedly, and we spent 3 hilarious days in a tent and canoe.
Text for picture: It proved harder than expectation to pee in a canoe, which happened quite alot, because we were drinking beers simultaneously.
My Summer Holiday

I mostly worked in my vacation and worked on getting more jobs. I barely had time for anything else. When I wasn't working I visited my 3 best friends Blokhus beach, Nelly.com, and Jomfru Ane Gade, her and I spend a lot of time together. We danced till the sun came up and till I had to take the bus, and leave her for an entire week again.
My summer was really exhausting never have I ever worked so hard in my life, so I truly appreciate having to start start school again so I finally can sleep.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
My Summer Holiday
Of course not all days was like this, there were a few days that shined through, and those are also the days that i actually remember, unlike all those boring days.
One of those lovely days was just as we had finished our exam(s) then we went to Kepeni's house and made some awesome BBQ, i brought this one steak, it was like 1 kilo, and the day before i had spent 1 hour preparing it for ''le grill'', that steak was godlike, holy **** that tasted good. Later that evening someone panked me though, by putting some disgusting stuff into my coke(just wait, you will probably read this, and i will get my revenge soon)
I also helped some maties move into an apartment, which was pretty fun, and there were free beer, and who doesn't love free beer?
now that we are talking about beer, i also remember some parts of Aabybro By Night, which also involved a lot of beer, probably too much, but hey, i had lots of fun, there were probably some bad moments as well, but i luckily cant remember those.
now that is all from me, peace out dudes and dudettes \o/
My summer holiday =)
My holiday started with a bit of sleeping. It was well needed after the two exams we had this semester. It wasn’t really that bad, but yet another excuse to get more sleep. The first thing
that pops into my mind, when I think about my vacation, was that I helped my girlfriend move into her new apartment. It took about a day, but luckily we had some help from our friends. When we were done moving in, we chose to spend a couple of days with my mom and some friends, at a s
ummer house in Lønstrup. Then for a couple of weeks, I just chilled out, enjoyed my vacation. A lot of the time I was spending great time with my girlfriend, but I had some very fun days with my good friend Steffen.
At the end of the vacation, I took a trip to Czech, this was with my dad and his family. In Czech we lived at a hotel, in a town near Marmaris. This is the place with the highest temperature I have ever been in. During the day it was around 45 degrees in the shadow. During the night it went down to around 32 degrees. Down there we loved our air conditioner, the pool, and cold beers. After a week with +45 degrees, i went to back to the cold Denmark once again. Actually i was quite happy to come home.
As pictures ive chosen two.
The first one, is one I took from a boat. I actually find this picture quite nice.
The second one is the beloved air conditioner, that kept me cooled down during my sleep in Czech.
- Casper
My summer holiday
We got up early every day to go to the beach before the sun got too hot and then afterwards we would go shopping and walk around Rhodes Town. There was a cocktail bar not far away from our hotel and we went there and had a drink every night before we went back to our hotel. One of the days we went to Lindos by boat. It was the hottest day we were on Rhodes. It was around 40 degrees, but we still went all the way to the acropolis of Lindos. Other than that we went to the Valley of Butterflies and walked around the Medieval Town of Rhodes.
We were in Rhodes for about a week before we went back to Denmark.
My Summer Holiday
I started my holiday when my parents, my brother and my sister went to Thailand, I wanted to go with them, but unfortunately, it was planned at the time I was having exams, so I lived with my friends family in a month.
They month I was living with my friends family was a relaxing month, every day after school we where chilling with each other by playing computer, watching movies and series, and in the weekends we were with some of our other weekends, and most of the time drinking some beer or again, playing computer with each other.
When my parents came home, it was back to the same old traditional summer, but this time, one of my best friend where moving into an apartment in Aalborg, so she asked me, and some of our common friends, if we could help her move her stuff. Of course we were happy to help.
And after she moved into the apartment she were holding a Housewarming, for some of her closest friends, and that went fine, except of only half of those who said that they would be there came.
Not much else have happened for me in my holiday
My summer Holiday

In my summer holiday, I have been doing completely nothing interesting at all. But i have been hanging out with my friends, working, and i have been at a couple of birthday parties, but nothing Extraordinaire.
Now that I think of it, I actually did do one interesting thing. I went to Green concert with my parents; I had a special V.I.P ticket because. My dad works at the military; he is the barrack master (kaserne mester). He is the person who is in charge, of all the areas around the Aalborg barracks.
The V.I.P ticket will grant you access, to a restricted area in the concert area. Only the very important persons are allowed to enter that area. People like celebrities, such as Jakob Haugaard, Nik and Jay and many others. I was lucky enough to meet up with Jakob Haugaard; I got my picture together with him. After I got my picture, I and Jakob Haugaard were standing in the cold and beautiful rain, chatting about how nice Aalborg is and how much he enjoys coming here every year. That was the thing I enjoyed the most in my summer holiday.
The rest was pretty boring, cold weather, days with a lot of rain and inside activities.
Best regards
Daniel Benjamin Kornevald
My summer holiday
My summer holiday
In my summer holiday I did not do much, I spent most my time at work actually.
The only week I had off duty I spent with my family in Legoland in Billund. I drove to Billund with my sister’s boyfriend, Daniel, because I had been at work when the others went off, but luckily Daniel had also been at work, so we took the trip down there a few hours later than the rest of them.
We were only in Legoland for two days, but it was a nice trip. The first day it was rainy at we spend the day doing most of the indoor attractions. The new indoor ride they made was a shooting game where you had to work with one other to score as many points as you possibly could from shooting some small lights with a laser beam. My dad and I almost set the highest score of the day, missing only 20 points to beat the previous set score.
We also tried the PowerBuilder many times, and my little brother got a picture of me and him and I just after we had finished a combination they said was the wildest one. So that is basically what I did in my summer holiday.